Prosthesis on Implant(s)

If you have opted for one or several implants to replace missing teeth and regain many of the advantages of natural teeth, then a restoration has to be placed on top of the implant. The implant is the replacement of a natural root. You have three choices of restoration; a crown, a bridge or a prosthesis (denture).

A crown is the option when you have only one tooth to be replaced or many teeth that are missing which do not touch each other. A bridge is the ideal option when you have several teeth missing in one region or to limit the number of implants. The prosthesis is a popular option when you are missing a complete dentition, either upper or lower.

Once the implant has been placed and the healing period is over, an abutment is attached to the implant. The abutment connects the implant to the restoration. The abutment is installed at the specialist’s office. Your general dentist will take care of installing the crown, the bridge or the prosthesis. For more information concerning implants, please refer to the implant section.

Prosthesis on implants

If you are missing all of your teeth, either upper or lower, a prosthesis may have been suggested for you. A prosthesis on implants gives you much more stability and retention than a conventional prosthesis. A prosthesis on implants is custom made for you by a dental professional. On the first appointment, your impressions are taken and a 3D model of your mouth is made. This model is sent to a lab where the prosthesis will be made according to your mouth and its compounds. The prosthesis can be fixed or removable.

The advantages of the prosthesis on implants are numerous. The implants help you maintain the bone level in your jaw. With a well adjusted prosthesis, you’ll be able to enjoy all the food that you used to. A prosthesis on implants prevents many injuries to your gums by reducing the amount of friction from the prosthesis.